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Saturdays              10:00 AM



In the Epistle to the Ephesians, Paul tells us about the Ephesians themselves. Years after the exciting events of the early days of Christian mission in Ephesus, the Ephesians struggled with the significance of their Christian faith. Paul, once the troubler of the economy of this fourth-largest city in the Roman Empire, is now sidelined and imprisoned.


Writing from prison, he worries that the believers in Ephesus may “lose heart,” forgetting any active sense of what it means to be disciples of Jesus in the sophisticated, urban, and thoroughly pagan culture of Ephesus. Though his hearers are already Christians, Paul’s tone is one of recruitment. He seeks to reenlist them in Christian faith, to reignite the fire of their devotion to Christ, and to resurrect the excitement of being part of God’s great enterprise in the world, the church.


And thus, the book of Ephesians, is our study for the quarter.


Mark Finley

Study on Phone


Number: (301) 715-8592

Meeting ID: 731 0100 1810#.  


Please Be Mindful:

Those on the teleconference must keep their phones on mute until they want to speak, and once they've spoken to mute themselves again using *6.  Caretakers please mute your client's phone.  Thank you.  We appreciate your cooperation.


Click HERE for Zoom Conference


Meeting ID: 435 830 6486

Code: 3985


Please Be Mindful:

Those on the zoom conference must keep their mics muted until they want to speak, and once they've spoken we encourage participants to mute themselves again. If persons have dialed into the meeting we ask participants to mute themselves using *6.  Caretakers, please mute your client's computer, tablet, or phone.  Thank you.  We appreciate your cooperation.

Additional Bible Studies

Looking for content for Youth and Young Adults? Explore these options below.



The Collegiate Quarterly is written by college faculty members, students, and young adults. The quarterly is designed to offer a fresh perspective and an insightful look at the topics discussed by the adult lesson.


High School

Each lesson is based on a Bible story or scriptural passage and provides questions for deeper study, discussion, and supportive texts that highlight Bible principles, helping the young learners draw lessons for application.



The emphasis of this curriculum is God’s kingdom of grace, being a recruited agent (steward, citizen) of that kingdom, and the battle between it and the kingdom of evil. Being in God’s kingdom requires action—being doers and not just listeners (James 1:22) of how to live as God’s agents on this earth.



This Bible study curriculum is based on a four-year cycle. Each year the lessons draw on Bible stories in chronological order from Genesis to Revelation. The lessons are designed for Juniors and Earliteens to incorporate in their daily Bible study.



Most lessons are story-based, some on scriptural references that teach a specific doctrine. Each story has been selected to develop one of the four dynamics of the GraceLink series: grace, worship, community, and service.



Most lessons are story-based, some on scriptural references that teach a specific doctrine. Each story has been selected to develop one of the four dynamics of the GraceLink series: grace, worship, community, and service.

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Phone: (202) 583-7416  

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